Friday, March 7, 2014

CrossFit Friday Part One

This is my first attempt at a series. Yup, sh-tz gettin' real. I have been wanting to try to find ways to post more often so what better way then to start a series entirely about my CrossFit experience? I thought of this for two reasons: (1) in light of my recent technology meltdown I need to find ways to write without the use of photos (I mean who really wants to see pictures of this girl all gross and sweaty? Na, didn't think so) and (2) is that I want to stay true to my original goal for this blog - having a creative outlet for my everyday endeavors.

The JP Project is about me and my life. This just so happens to be centered around building our home and cooking, well and my pup : ) but with the recent addition of CrossFit I figured it would be nice to give that part of my life a little time in the spot light too. I also think this will be a good way to hold myself accountable for actually going to the gym (or the box as they call it). So what do you think? CrossFit Fridays? All in favor, say "AYE!"

Day One wasn't too bad. I was expecting the worst workout of my life but I didn't even break a sweat! Now looking back on it, it was day one, what were they really going to expect us to do? We learned a few things like front and back squats, as well as some mobility techniques. Dave, our coach, also showed us how they do push-ups (military style - awesome) and sit-ups (frog style - again, awesome). Basically everything they do is meant to be efficient and use the correct muscle groups instead of flubbing your way through things. At this point I was totally on board, feeling good, thinking, "wow, we can do this!" Then at the end of the class our coach said to us that this was just a starter and next week he's gonna make us sweat.

Day Two - much worse. Dave had us doing kettlebell swings, burpees, more squats, pull-ups, etc. Kettlebell swings look a lot easier than they actually are, well at least as far as form goes. You can't squat, but you have to bend your knees to bend over, but you don't want to use your arms coming back up, and don't let the bell move around too much... WAY too much to remember. But hey, practice makes perfect right? Right. So practice is what we did.

We had a mini workout of 5 rds (rounds) for time, (meaning you keep going until however long it takes you to complete 5 rds) of 5 kettlebell swings, 7 burpees and 9 sit-ups. Doesn't sound too bad right? Wrong. We got our sweat on. H finished in about 7 minutes and I was just over 8. Not bad for first timers but man were we spent after that. My sit-ups could use some work too. I was fine until the end, apparently my core strength is nonexistent, cool. Everyone starts somewhere right?

Day Three was more of the same. This time we did our warmup using the medicine balls. Throwing them, kicking them, doing sit-ups with them, you name it, we did it. Then we learned how to do deadlifts and sumo deadlifts. Again, looks easier than it really is. And again, it's all about the form. Are you seeing the pattern here? It's all about putting your weight in the heals and driving your body upright from a squatting position bringing the barbell with you. More practice is definitely needed in this department, at least for me. So we did a bunch of those and then another mini workout. This time it was a modified Cindy.

What's a Cindy you ask? It's a 20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats. CrossFit has a bunch of "benchmark" work outs (WODs) that allow you to see how you are progressing and they all happen to be names of women, don't ask me why. Anyway, so instead of doing the full Cindy we did a 10 minute AMRAP of 3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, and 9 air squats. H was a champ with the pull-ups and push-ups where I struggled with them significantly. I was able to do two rounds of push-ups before I had to modify to my knees and even further to worming my way up, man I was terrible! But hey, it's something I know I need to work on (trying to stay positive here). I killed the air squats though so 1 out of 3 ain't bad. H and I both finished with 11 rounds, but like I said, I modified big time. I am wondering if it would have been better to do fewer rounds and take breaks so I could continue to have better form with the push-ups. Trials and tribulations of a beginner I guess.

So, all-in-all, not bad. Though I did wake up this morning unable to lift my right arm because my tricep was so swollen. Muscle strength is not my strong suit but I know it will come in time. I am just hoping that it is sooner rather than later. I am going to try to do some push-ups and core work at home on my off days to help build that strength so I can do more during the WOD and not make a total fool out of myself. Just gotta find the time.

Check back next week for Part Two!


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