Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lemon Meringue Pie - Deconstructed?

H's birthday was last week and his all time favorite pie is lemon meringue. I'm not a huge fan but since he loves it, I figured I would make it for him this year. I've heard that lemon meringue wasn't the easiest thing to make but I've made lemon curd before for different things like lemon blueberry bars (which are delicious by the way) so I figured it couldn't be too bad. Hardest part would be to temper the eggs and I've done that a bunch of times with different recipes so I figured it would be a somewhat simple pie to make, right? Wrong.

I followed Alton Brown's recipe on the Food Network website. He is usually my go to for straight forward, traditional recipes as he usually breaks down the science behind each dish. Yup, science nerd alert. This is helpful, for me at least, so I can see what it's supposed to taste like before adding anything to the recipe or changing it up. Then I know how everything will react together. Anyway, I thought that since lemon meringue isn't something you can really spice up by adding different flavors, a more traditional recipe would be best. Alton, you let me down on this one pal.

I followed the recipe, measured everything out, didn't stray too far from what he suggested and when all was said and done the pie looked awesome! I left it to cool for about 2 hrs and then popped it in the frig for another hour or so but when I took it out, the pie still hadn't set up. The meringue was nice and browned, still holding its shape, but the lemon filling was straight up liquid. I couldn't believe that the filling never set! It didn't make any sense, I followed everything to a tee, I measured, and I even let it cool for longer than it called for. I don't know what happened. All I know is H had lemon soup for his birthday instead of pie : (

At least the flavors were spot on. It was tangy, but sweet at the same time, and the meringue held up nicely. I just hope next time I attempt this (which probably won't be until H's birthday next year) that it comes out like pie and not soup. I didn't bother taking nice pictures of the pie, but I did take a few iphone photos to show you what I am talking about. I was so disappointed!

Does anyone have a tried and true lemon meringue pie recipe and have a few tips they can throw my way? Or have any idea what could have gone wrong?

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