Sunday, May 18, 2014

Updated Front Room

So remember way back when in February when I mentioned not having enough memory on the computer to edit photos? Yea, well I think we have finally remedied that situation and I can finally post about our FREE front room update!

 Here are a few more...

By using left over paint from the dining room we were able to barely get this room painted. I mean, we were down to the last drop of paint! I think it provides some balance with the dining room having such a dark color too. The foyer is painted a lighter color (though not in this picture) which compliments it nicely. We used all the furniture that was in the family room and moved it here in anticipation of the new sectional, which still isn't resolved yet! Another story for another day.

This couch, the pillows, and the artwork were all from our apartment in the city, hence the "City Scape" artwork. I found these bad boys on the streets of New York. The artist uses subway maps and paints over them with interesting buildings and landmarks from around NYC. They were super cheap and perfect to bring some color into our oh so drab apartment. I repurposed them in this room just to add something to the walls. While this isn't my ideal artwork, it spices up the room a bit so it works for now.

If you look closely, you can see that one of the frames has glass, and one doesn't. This is thanks to moving them one too many times. I was so bummed when I saw the broken glass upstairs where we kept them. It was disappointing to say the least. But, whatever, they got hung anyway. I plan to go to Michael's where I got the frames and just buy another one, but I couldn't very well hang just one, so for now, this is how they will stay. The desk area is another work in progress...

This is a better view of the desk, but we know that it won't stay like this forever. We have visions of built-ins along the back wall with a free standing executive desk in the middle of the room. Visions and dreams aside, this little guy is better than nothing! It is nice to have a dedicated space to pay bills or to just use the computer or make a phone call in peace without having to compete with the TV. It also houses our Penn State Degrees. That is until we decide to splurge on nice frames to display them properly. 

Over all, I think this space is a huge improvement from what is was! We still have a long way to go before calling this room finished, but those are mostly big projects (i.e. big $) that are going to take time. For now, it is a more inviting, usable space that we will enjoy for the next year or two until we get around to getting those built-ins completed.

More updates to come...


Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Liebster Award

I am really excited to say that The JP Project has been nominated for the Liebster Award! I have to start by thanking the blogger who nominated me over at Style Bits & Bobs of M.E. Check out her blog, there are a ton of inspiring posts that will keep you reading for hours!

When I saw that I was nominated, I was really surprised! I honestly had never heard of the Liebster Award, so I did some Google searching and came up with this: It isn't an actual award, more of a nod to the nominated blog. Someone felt you deserved recognition and wanted others to check out your blog. Then it's your turn to nominate 5-10 more bloggers that have less than 1000 followers. It is a great opportunity for those of us who are new to the online blogging craze to get our name out there and to check out a few new blogs in the process. Thanks Style Bits & Bobs of M.E. for the nomination!

I just started blogging this past year, I have one follower (thanks Melissa) and really, I didn't think anyone knew my blog even existed. I simply write for me. To keep an online journal of sorts about the things going on in my life, and of course to keep track of all the changes we are doing to the house. It is an awesome feeling to know that there are people reading and enjoying my blog, so to those of you out there, thank you!

Here are the questions Style Bits & Bobs of M.E. asked me...

1. If you won a free trip to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

     If I won a free trip, I would likely take an around the world cruise to see as many countries as possible. There are so many places I want to travel to that I don't think I could narrow it down to just one. I would chose a multi-country trip because I love immersing myself in the culture of a new, foreign place.  

2. Why did you start blogging?

     I started blogging because I wanted a way to hold myself accountable for the updates my husband and I wanted to make in the house. I figured that if I wrote about them, then I would be able to see where we started and how far we have come. I hope to use this as inspiration for myself to keep going, and check things off my list, one project at a time.

3. What is your favorite post on your blog?

     Yikes, this is a tough one! My favorite post would have to be when I created the list of accomplishments for year one of living in the house. It was truly amazing to see everything that we did in the first year. I hope to create a list like this each year to track all the things we have done to make this house a home.

4. What is your favorite television show?

     Hands down, right now my favorite show on TV is Game of Thrones. Now, for those of you who know me well, you know that knights, dragons, and sword fights aren't really my thing. But, this show is great! There are so many good characters with twisted story lines that it always keeps me on my toes and coming back for more! 

5. What would you tell your younger self?

     Wear sunscreen. Don't complain, just do it!

11 Random Facts About Me...

  1. I am an only child.
  2. I have seen every episode of Sex and the City at least three times.
  3. I decided to be a chemistry major in college because I couldn't think of anything more difficult to do that I might enjoy a career in.
  4. I am deathly allergic to cats. Have been hospitalized once, and probably should have been on at least two other occasions. 
  5. I love to entertain and make any excuse to host a party.
  6. My favorite dessert is anything chocolate and peanut butter.
  7. Close second is a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting, mmm.
  8. I absolutely love to cook and bake - though not everything turns out the way it's supposed to.
  9. My guilty pleasure is to watch the Bachelor, don't judge!
  10. I am a diehard Phillies fan, yup.
  11. I really don't like celery. I have tried it a hundred times, every which way, and I still don't like it!

My 5 Nominees are...

  1. A Pearl & Her Pilot
  2. Kate Porigow - Certified Holistic Health Coach
  3. Hey Little Momma
  4. Pinch of Yum
  5. Our Thrifted Nest
These are some great blogs, go check 'em out!

Questions for the Nominated Bloggers...
  1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
  2. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
  3. Who is your favorite musician or band?
  4. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  5. What would you order as your last meal?

Now, here are the Rules for the Liebster Award...
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Display the Liebster Award on your blog.
  • Answer the questions given to you.
  • Answer 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5-11 other bloggers that have less than 1000 subscribers.
  • Create a list of questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Inform your nominees and comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them.
  • List these rules on your post and link this page in your comment to them so they can learn more about the Liebster Award.

Thank you again Style Bits & Bobs of M.E. for the nomination!