Thursday, September 5, 2013

Paint swatches, Penn State and Anniversaries...

I am so excited to post that we have finally gotten the large paint swatches in the mail! Yay!! I have to go around and take some picture of each room in the house with the swatches taped up so you can see what I am dealing with here. It is so overwhelming but I am really hoping that with the narrowed down list of colors I can finally start making some decisions.

I am sure I am going to need to purchase a few paint samples because I know that there could be a huge difference between what it looks like on a piece of paper vs. on the wall. So we will see how it all works out. I will try to post pictures of the house soon so check back for that! Next step, finding a painter!

In the mean time, H and I have been very busy! We spent Labor Day weekend with friends tailgating the Penn State/Syracuse game which was a lot of fun! Good food, good friends, lots of alcohol... can't get any better! It also helped that it was a win, 23 to 17, GO STATE! It was however a very boring game in my opinion. I think the halftime score was 6 to 3 or something crazy like that. Anyway, a win is a win so I will take it! Great way to kick off the College Football season : )

Living so far away from State College only allows us to get to maybe one game a year, and sometimes we don't get to any. So we were very happy to go to the first game of the season and to be going up for homecoming this year. We are renting an RV with a bunch of friends so it is sure to be a good time. It also just so happens to fall on our one year wedding anniversary, awesome. H had to do some major convincing to get me to agree to this. I believe his best friend, the best man in our wedding, said it best, "What better way to spend your wedding anniversary than by being surrounded by your friends who stood with you on your wedding day, in the shadow of Beaver Stadium where it all began?!" hahaha very typical.

Anyway, lots has been going on lately, busy busy busy, so I am just trying to bring myself back down to earth. I need to get reorganized and refocused on one project at a time. Hopefully by blogging about it all it will keep me focused on getting things done!


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