Here are a few more...
By using left over paint from the dining room we were able to barely get this room painted. I mean, we were down to the last drop of paint! I think it provides some balance with the dining room having such a dark color too. The foyer is painted a lighter color (though not in this picture) which compliments it nicely. We used all the furniture that was in the family room and moved it here in anticipation of the new sectional, which still isn't resolved yet! Another story for another day.
This couch, the pillows, and the artwork were all from our apartment in the city, hence the "City Scape" artwork. I found these bad boys on the streets of New York. The artist uses subway maps and paints over them with interesting buildings and landmarks from around NYC. They were super cheap and perfect to bring some color into our oh so drab apartment. I repurposed them in this room just to add something to the walls. While this isn't my ideal artwork, it spices up the room a bit so it works for now.
If you look closely, you can see that one of the frames has glass, and one doesn't. This is thanks to moving them one too many times. I was so bummed when I saw the broken glass upstairs where we kept them. It was disappointing to say the least. But, whatever, they got hung anyway. I plan to go to Michael's where I got the frames and just buy another one, but I couldn't very well hang just one, so for now, this is how they will stay. The desk area is another work in progress...
This is a better view of the desk, but we know that it won't stay like this forever. We have visions of built-ins along the back wall with a free standing executive desk in the middle of the room. Visions and dreams aside, this little guy is better than nothing! It is nice to have a dedicated space to pay bills or to just use the computer or make a phone call in peace without having to compete with the TV. It also houses our Penn State Degrees. That is until we decide to splurge on nice frames to display them properly.
Over all, I think this space is a huge improvement from what is was! We still have a long way to go before calling this room finished, but those are mostly big projects (i.e. big $) that are going to take time. For now, it is a more inviting, usable space that we will enjoy for the next year or two until we get around to getting those built-ins completed.
More updates to come...