Friday, March 21, 2014

CrossFit Friday

Week Three

We only have one week left of the intro classes and then it's on to the real deal for H and I. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. But that's next week, one week at a time.

Tuesday we learned a few new lifts, the hang clean and the snatch. Apparently these are two of the harder lifts so we weren't expected to get them the first time around. These, like all the rest, require coordination. H struggled with the snatch but that is mainly because of his previous shoulder surgury. The way you have to twist your shoulder to have it sit in its pocket is awkward and near impossible for someone who has had dislocated shoulder. Dave mentioned a few things that will really help to work the tissue, improve mobility within that shoulder, and build strength. We will see how it goes, H and I both need practice with all the lifts before we try to test out of these intro classes.

We also did a 14 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) of 5 stones then 7 burpees and 3 push-ups. I had no idea what stones were. Just the name intimidated me. We watched Dave as he squatted over this large cement ball or "stone" and then lifted it up from between his legs without breaking a sweat. The idea is to squat over/behind the stone, wrap your hands under it and then use only your legs (not your lower back) to just stand up, lifting the stone with you. I couldn't get the hang of this. I don't know why, but my first instinct was to go on my toes and lift my butt up into a flat back. Not good. So instead of hurting myself while I was learning, Dave had me use a weighted medicine ball, a lot lighter and easier to manage. H of course was a pro at this. 

I'm beginning to realize that while I have the coordination, I really lack the strength to do some of the moves. H is the total opposite. He lacks coordination but has the strength to muscle through anything they throw at him. As I have said before, I know that the strength I lack (core, leg, upper body, pretty much everything) will come in time. It's just frustrating when I know I can do a move, I understand how it's supposed to be, but my body just physically can't do it. So I scale back, switch to knee push-ups or use a smaller "stone". I am just looking forward to the day when I am strong enough to do everything even if it's only a few reps at a time.

Wednesday was actually a lot of fun. We learned how to climb a rope! Yup, this girl climbed the rope. Not to the top, but two to three strides which is better than I thought I would do. I think I can make it the whole way up, I am just nervous for when I get to the top in case I'm not able to get back down. Maybe next week I will just go for it. We also did a bunch of back squats and rowed 500m. Then, before our main workout, we learned how to Roman Deadleft. These were really fun, mainly because I'm flexible enough to get really low with the weight. It was tough, but fun. Is this what CrossFit is supposed to feel like?

Our workout was a 7-7-7. 7 rounds of 7 push presses and 7 toe to bars (knee to elbows). H and I both finished at about the same time, though he was pushing way more weight than me. This week I had a tough time with the knee to elbows. My hands just couldn't hold onto the bar! I got to round 4 or 5 and almost slipped right off the bar. Grip strength - another thing to work on. Are we noticing a pattern yet? I have a lot to work on.

So next week is out final week before we start with everyone else. The is assuming we pass our final test.

Catch you next week!

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