Friday, March 14, 2014

CrossFit Friday

Part Two (week two)

So this week was an odd week for us. We went to the gym Monday, went snowboarding on Tuesday (in 60 degree weather), skipped Wednesday because we had a work meeting, and then went early on Thursday to get one more workout in this week.

Monday was killer. We learned a few more lifts - strict press, push press, and push jerk. We also did a 400m run as a warm up as well as used the PVC to stretch out our shoulders. This was all fine. What came next was miserable. Our main work out for the day was supposed to be 3 rounds of a 400m row then 20 wall balls. Well, since it was so nice out, Dave decided it would be a good idea to run the 400m. What?! You want me to run that, three times, AND do more leg work with 20 wall balls?! Now most of you are probably like, oh that's not so bad, but for a non-runner, it sucked. The first run wasn't bad. The wall balls weren't bad either until I realized I lost count and then only did ten and tried to go run again. Oops! I really have to work on my counting. So back I went and did ten more. When I went outside to run the second 400m, my legs were jello. It felt like I forgot how to run (by run, I mean jog slowly). I was dragging, but I didn't walk so that made me feel better about myself. By the next run I was spent. Dave was nice enough to run with me the last time which gave me just enough energy to get it done. We walked a small portion but I think I finished strong. The last set of wall balls I did in sets of 5 which was way more manageable than trying to do 20 in a row. When I finished, I wanted to die.  

Then we went boarding Tuesday. When I woke up that morning I thought I was going to kill who ever decided Tuesday was the day to go to the mountain, but all in all, it wasn't too bad. I am used to boarding so while my muscles were tight, getting on the mountain actually felt really good. I think it helped me recover faster from killing myself the day before. We had a great day despite the warm weather. It was nice to get one last ride in before the end of the season!

On Thursday we warmed up with 20 lunges, 10 burpees, and I can't remember how many hollow rocks. This definitely had my heart pumping. After the warm up had me catching my breath I was actually really nervous for what was next. The rest of the day really wasn't so bad though. We did a bunch of front squats and then learned the hang clean lift, and again, not bad, just required some coordination. I think I am going to have to start writing these down so I don't forget them all!

Our main workout was 5 rds for time of 5 box jumps, 7 toe to bars, and 9 kettle bell swings. Box jumps, along with overhead Olympic lifts are the two things I am most nervous about with joining CrossFit. So today I conquered one of my two fears. Granted, my box was only the 12 inch with a weight on it to bump it up a bit, but after doing the WOD I realized I could have probably done the 20" (next time). Dave also upped my kettlebell weight, though I'm not sure what it was just know it was purple this time instead of orange. Somehow the swings were easier with the heavier weight, at least as far as form goes. The toe to bars were tough for me so I scaled back, doing knee to elbow/knee to chest (or at least as close as possible to that general area). Which went well. I felt really good after this workout and it only took me about four and a half minutes. Much better than Monday!

I think there are going to be some days where I totally rock the WOD (ok, maybe rock is a strong word, at least feel really good about myself after) and some days where I will want to keel over and hate myself for doing this whole CrossFit thing in the first place. Let's hope there are less and less of the later as the weeks go by!

Week two down, week three,.. Bring it!

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